A typical day

During each session children will be busy selecting work of their choice and suitable to their particular level of learning. They may take their work to a table or use a mat on the floor. They will use it, independently or with help from an adult, and then be encouraged to return it for the next child to use. You will notice that there is a wonderful feeling throughout the classroom as children concentrate on the task in hand.

Many of the early Practical Life experiences use objects often found around the home, such as small jugs for pouring activities and dried pasta for threading. These activities are designed to increase children’s dexterity and concentration. As your child gets older they will be introduced to materials specifically designed to develop their understanding of language, maths and other areas of the curriculum.

Throughout the session your child will also be involved in group activities. Group work is considered important for developing social skills, encouraging listening and increasing attention. The outdoor classroom supports further learning and development and your child will have daily opportunities to spend extended lengths of time in our secure, spacious, well-equipped garden. At the end of each session all of the children are encouraged to join ‘circle time’ where we share what we have done and enjoy singing our favourite songs.

Inside the Montessori classroom

Stepping into a Montessori setting for the first time you are likely to be struck by two things – the clean ordered nature of the environment, and the calm, quiet hum of busy concentration.

Looking around you might also notice that the classroom and everything in it has been designed with children in mind. The modern Montessori classroom is based on Maria Montessori’s original ‘Casa dei Bambini’ or Children’s House and materials are freely available to children all the time. That means all sorts of specially designed learning tools, but also paint and brushes, scissors and paper, water – even snacks. And you will see children of different ages working alongside each other, older children helping younger ones, acting as role models while also reinforcing and celebrating their own learning.